Why autism is relevant

Everything that I have read about autism describes me accurately. I have limited interests, repetitive behavior, and inability to communicate with most humans.

I work at improving my communication with people. The motivation for communicating with humans came after I knew that I was stuck with them. I do not like most humans because they make no sense. I am fine with most animals and human babies because they don’t speak English. Because I had to work my job, I had to learn to talk to people.

People say all kinds of things that they don’t mean. It is the polite thing to say “Hello”, “Goodbye”, “Thank” you, “You’re Welcome”, “How are you?”, “I am good”, etc.

Take the example: “How are you?”. What does this mean? I think of these three words. What question are they asking? Are they even asking me a question? What is the answer they want? I do not understand this at all.

If instead they are me a relevant questions such as “What is your name?”, “What is your favorite color?”, or “What music do you like?”. I can answer these questions. If you ask the right question, you will get an answer. You can help me communicate with you.

Why writing is relevant

There are many ways to communicate over the internet. I have found that writing is the most relevant way to communicate. There is certainly a place for sound and video recordings, but I write more than anything else. I will give some reasons.

Writing is a slow process. It makes me think very deeply about what I am saying. I do not feel the same time pressure when writing as I do when I record myself talking in a video. I am sure that what I say in my writing is much more relevant to what I am thinking.

While writing something may be a slow process, it allows me to publish what I have written at the highest speed. The simple copy-and-paste method allows me to write something and then post it wherever I want. It means I can make sure that what I work so hard on can be preserved even if a tornado blows away my laptop.

Writing is the only type of human communication that can be printed in a book. Once printed, a reader can enjoy it without requiring electricity. Because of this I find it essential to write and publish books.

The great thing is that I can later convert my words into an audio form if I want. I can overcome the limitations of my slow thought process if I have something prepared already.

Why communication is relevant

As I write on my blog and speak in my youtube videos, I am becoming more aware of how important it is to communicate well with people. As an autistic, communication with humans has never been my strong point. The thing that holds me back is that I do not like to accept the idea that a word can have more than one meaning. This is entirely different from arithmetic. The definition of a number cannot change. You cannot turn twelve into a synonym of seven and expect anything to make sense. Without the stability of mathematics, computers and the internet would not exist at all. The fact that English is the only human language that I can read and write in is a terrible limitation. However, because of the fact that it is the dominant language where I live, I am forced to write so that other people will understand exactly who I am, where I am coming from, and that there is a better way to live. I think it is important that I keep my individual books, blog posts, and videos relevant to the topic they are meant to communicate. Honestly, it is hard work. If there is anything that I would consider pure evil, it is someone intentionally communicating something that they know to be false.

People communicate not only by what they say but also by what they do not say. The very fact that I receive so little feedback on what I write often leads me to wonder why. I have no idea what someone thinks when they stay silent but I also remember the fear that kept me silent for twenty-five years.