Why the internet is relevant

The internet is all about relevance! Websites contain pictures and text. Many of these are also links which can be clicked and cause the browser to open another page.

The most common use of the internet is to type some words into a search engine and find any website which contains those words. What this means is that you can get millions of results when you search for something. Most of them, but certainly not all, will be relevant to what you were wanting to learn about.

Not everyone trusts the internet as a source for reliable information about historical or scientific facts. Almost anyone can write something on a blog or a social networking site. The fact that a lot of the information is false helps me learn to sort it out and separate the true from the false.

But just because something may be false does not mean that I cannot learn something from the people who post it. I can learn a lot about people by reading what people are saying. Their opinions on a variety of subjects can be very relevant to me.

The internet provides a way for me to talk to people who I would otherwise never meet. It connects me to them and therefore makes my life relevant to others.

Why education is relevant

When I say “education”, I mean any sort of teaching, training, or instruction of any kind. I think what people forget is that teaching is more than just telling people what to do or not to do. Lecturing has no effect unless you can demonstrate that you can put what you say into practice. Does it make sense for anyone to call themselves an English teacher if they cannot read or write? Does it make any sense for them to call themselves a math teacher if they cannot at least balance their checkbook? Not everyone is a teacher, but everyone is educating someone in some way.

When people talk about education, they usually think of a school building where children are forced to attend whether or not they have any interest. I personally am against a lot of what goes on in public or private schools. It may be right for some children but only if it is run by people who care more about the children than how much money is being spent.

There is no “one size fits all” approach to education. There are too many factors to be considered for someone to say that home-school, private-school, or public-school is the best solution for everyone.

If you are a parent who is thinking about the best education for your child, here are my opinions. I was home-schooled. I am biased towards home-schooling, but I try to be fair when I give my advice.
First, you need to consider what the purpose of education is! If all you care about is whether your child will be able to get a job and earn money when they grow up, then you should completely ignore my advice. In my opinion, education is not about money.

To me, education is about bringing out the natural talent that a person has. I am in favor of whatever is needed for a child or adult to do what they like in a way that is relevant to them and other people around them.

In my case, I happened to have a mother who had a lot of experience in teaching music and had already home-schooled my two siblings. Even during the short time I attended public elementary school, my mother had to help me learn how to do my schoolwork. The teachers at the public school I attended did not even know how to teach me to read. My mom taught me phonics. I am sure that it is relevant to me being the writer I am now. I also am not naturally a social person and so I was bullied by students and teachers because I did not think or learn in the way they wanted me to.

But for those who are social and who fit in and need to learn in a way that a parent may not be able to provide, I am extremely thankful that public or private schools exist.

I think that the only way to decide what is best for your child is to explore all the options available to you. Your child should have some choice, too.

Why faith is relevant

Some people say that they have faith when they do not understand something. They think that if something is mysterious that it must be true. In other words, by their definition of faith, the less it makes sense, the more belief, confidence, or trust they have in it. However, what they do not know is that belief, confidence, and trust are synonyms of faith!

A person cannot have faith in something that is mysterious! How can you trust in something that is completely unpredictable. This is why I have no faith in people who cannot define what they have faith in.

When a person is honest, I can trust them. I can believe that they will keep their promises. This is confidence. This is faith.

However, there can be a time when I know that someone intends to keep their promises, but that sometimes things happen that are out of their control. No matter what promise someone makes, they can never know for sure that something will not happen that stops them.

All I can do is promise to be honest about what I write as long as I live. I can do this but I cannot promise anyone that I will live for a certain length of time.

Why virginity is irrelevant

Since I have a reputation for being the “Confused Virgin”, I know that some may ask not only about why I am confused but also why I am a virgin. No one should need to ask this question because my lack of sex life is none of their business and is irrelevant to whether they should do sex or not.

But I have been asked before if I am a virgin and why. My answer is very simple, I don’t have the time to do anything sexual. I am much too busy writing about other topics which are more relevant than sex. The idea of my first book was to write about my sexual confusion so that people will no longer need to ask me about it.

I am neither for nor against any people of any sexual orientation or practice. I know that what other people do is irrelevant to my life.

Right now, I am a virgin. My current plan is to stay that way. Not because I consider sex to be immoral, but I am busy enough with my job and my writing. I do not have time to be a parent on top of this.

At the same time, I am against “Abstinence-only sex education“. I would rather help make the world a better place so that the children who are born are not exposed to the same things which ruined parts of my life. I think that fighting abortion, pornography, and religion is the best way for me to do that.

Why confusion is irrelevant

Are you confused about anything? Are you confused about what it means to be confused? I would like to clear up any confusion that my readers may have about my confusion. Whenever I am confused about a word, I search a dictionary. What I have found is that “confusion” has many different definitions. This caused me even more confusion. Then I realized what confusion really meant! It means that I do not know something!

When I say that I am confused, I mean that “I don’t know.”, I do not understand.”, “I need more information.”, or “I can’t see the difference between this and that.”.

I am a little bit confused about whether confusion is relevant or irrelevant. Something can obviously be relevant in one way but irrelevant in another way.

I put confusion in the category of irrelevant because it has nothing to do with the majority of things in my life. My confusion does not stop me from writing. It also does not stop me from being honest about my confusion.

Confusion is a result of misunderstanding, miscommunication, or misinterpretation. Confusion can be caused by something, but in my personal life, confusion has no effect on my favorite foods, colors, or irreligious beliefs.

Why going to a church is irrelevant

There is no clear definition of what a “church” is supposed to be. Usually, it refers to a building which is used once or twice a week. For every other place that I could think of going, there is a reason. For example, if I want to buy food, I would go somewhere that sells it. If I want to read books, I would go to a library or a bookstore. If I want to pet a sheep, I would go to a petting zoo. All of these things make perfect sense.

But in the case of church, someone has to first know what church is for. Suppose someone decides that they want to know what a church is about. Which church do they choose to visit? How do they make this choice when they know nothing about any of them?

I have attended a variety of protestant Christian churches. There came a time when I knew that I had no reason for going. I either had no idea what they meant by their teachings or I disagreed with them. To keep going and pretending that I believed in the same things as them would have been dishonest.

I know that I will never completely agree with anyone else about everything. I see no reason why I should try to be a clone of someone else or why I should turn them into a clone of me. I see church as nothing more than a box that people try to fit into. When they do not fit into it, they wonder what is wrong with them. I used to feel that way and I do not want to feel it ever again.